"Mystery of His Will" Eph. 1:9

I believe all the aspects of our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus; from the first clue, (Gen. 3:15), through to the Resurrection and Ascension, as “First Fruits”; onwards to “removal of the Eden Curse”!

The 2nd Advent of Jesus as “King of King, and Lord of Lords”; where after the rescue of “Remnant Israel” (Ezek. 39:21–29), and the judgement of the Nations (Matt. 25),  Father and Son have1000 years of righteous Rule on Earth from Jerusalem, with Satan bound with his demons for the 1000 years!

The Father and The Son (and their Name shall be ONE (Zech. 14:9); will release Satan after the 1000 years imprisonment, for his latter efforts to rule on Earth, which will be shattered and he, and his angels and his people will be destroyed, together with death (Rev. 20:7–10)!

Christ Jesus will hand the “Finished Work” to the Father (1Cor.15:24–25); and the Father will remove “the Curse”, imposed in Eden (Rev. 22:3)!

These Elements, are IMO, in large part the clues to “the Mystery of Iniquity”, (2Thess. 2:7–12).

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